We have options for everyone!

Trefzger’s Bakery wheat-free items are available in store everyday on a first-come, first-serve basis. To ensure we have the product you are looking for, please submit an order at least 5 business days in advance! Order online by clicking the images below or give us a call at (309) 685-9221, line 1. Vegan orders must be placed in advance.

Trefzger’s Bakery wheat-free products are made from soy and rice flours.

While these items are made from gluten-free recipes, our kitchen is not certified 'gluten-free' as there is always flour drifting through the air. If you are extremely sensitive, these items may not work for you.

Vegan Cakes
from $37.00
Vegan Cupcakes
from $18.50

Sensitive to both gluten and dairy? We even have options for you!

Wheat-free Vegan Cakes
from $37.00
Wheat Free Vegan Cupcakes
from $18.50